Web 1.0 was commerce. Web 2.0 is people.
Traditional mindsets would have you believe being called "digital" anything means you are not responsible for the day to day of a client and because your title includes a medium you aren't conceptual.
-Perry Fair, Digital Creative @billiegirltoo -twitter is up to the second raw thought. facebook allows editing. twitter has a personal feeling
@jpurnell -twitter is lower-stakes status updates
@brew7vwp -on twitter you talk to strangers you like, on facebook you talk to friends you barely remember
Traddy (trad-dee) - someone who is totally closed-minded to the idea that digital is the future. Most of the time longs for things to just go back to the way they were.
Tradigital (tra-di-gital) - some one who is from the old school of traditional advertising, that has fully embraced the idea of digital as the future.
Transmedia (tranz -media) - when a story starts in one place and continues in another. Consumers link stories together to get the complete picture.
Cross Channel Integration - expands same idea out to different channels i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Tumblr.